Saturday, August 31, 2024

Gallery Photographer Gabriela E. Campos Photographs Centennial Burning of Zozobra

Via The Santa Fe New Mexican

August 31, 2024

Gallery Photographer Gabriela E. Campos covered the 100th burning of Zozobra and the Santa Fe New Mexican featured her fantastic photograph full-page on the front cover of today's print edition: Zozobra burns in massive, joyous inferno for centennial.

screen shot of front page of The Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper edition of August 31, 2024 with a full page color photograph of the effigy "Zozobra" in flames


n newspaper edition of August 31, 2024 with a full pcolor photograph of the effigy "Zozobra" in flames

Gabriela Campos/The New Mexican

n newspaper edition of August 31, 2024 with a full page color photograph of the effigy "Zozobra" in flames with drones spelling out "Burn Him" in the night sky background

Gabriela Campos/The New Mexican

The Burning of Zozobra is a unique cultural event in Santa Fe staged annually by the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe in Zozobra Field at Fort Marcy Park on the Friday of Labor Day weekend as an exciting and fiery finale to the last days of summer. 

Artist William Howard “Will” Shuster, Jr. created the first Zozobra in 1924 as the signature highlight of a private party for Los Cinco Pintores, a group of artists and writers who made their way to New Mexico in the 1920s.

Zozobra in Spanish means “anguish, anxiety, or gloom”, by burning it, people destroy the worries and troubles of the previous year in the flames.

 Made of wood, wire, and cotton cloth and stuffed with bushels of shredded paper, which traditionally includes obsolete police reports, paid-off mortgages, and even divorce papers, Zozobra is a dark and eerie character, part ghost and part monster

Friday, August 30, 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Des Moines city manager says free press is important as part of protest lawsuit settlement

 Via The Des Moines Register

August 27, 2024

The Des Moines city manager acknowledged the importance of the free press in a statement Tuesday on the heels of the city's settlement in a lawsuit brought by a news photographer whom police tackled and arrested during the 2020 George Floyd protests.

Des Moines leaders agreed to a mid-trial settlement last week with Mark "Ted" Nieters, a photojournalist who has covered conflict zones around the world. As part of the settlement, Nieters is set to receive $100,000, and City Manager Scott Sanders and Des Moines police spokesperson Sgt. Paul Parizek are required to issue statements about the importance of the free press.

Nieters' case stemmed from his arrest on June 1, 2020, when he was working as a freelance news photographer covering a large protest outside the Iowa Capitol. Police eventually ordered members of the crowd to leave and dispersed those who didn't, using tear gas.

Shortly afterward, as Nieters was walking away from the Capitol on Locust Street, Des Moines police officer Brandon Holtan tackled and detained him, despite Nieters telling him he was a journalist and showing him his press card, according to the lawsuit Nieters later filed against Holtan and the city.

Sanders fulfilled his requirement in a statement Tuesday, which reads:

"The City is grateful to the jury and the federal court for their time in a recent case they helped bring to a resolution. While the City Council will vote to approve the proposed settlement at its September 16 meeting, we are happy to put this case behind us and continue our important work moving the Des Moines Police Department forward in our continuing pursuit of excellence. The City acknowledges the importance of free press for our community, and the value and appreciation that the City has for the work the press does."

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Welcome to the "Resilience - Stories of Women Inspiring Change" Special Exhibition Features Gallery Photographer Anna Boyiazis

 Via Mongolian National News Agency

August 22, 2024

color photograph of 4 women in yellow fill lenghth bathing suits and caps holding water containers for floatation while learning to swim in water in Zanzibar
Kijini Primary School students learn to float, swim and perform rescues in the Indian Ocean off of Muyuni, Zanzibar, 2016

Ulaanbaatar, August 22, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The Opening Ceremony of the “Resilience - Stories of Women Inspiring Change” Special Exhibition was held at the Lkham Gallery, Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia, on August 21, 2024.

The World Press Photo Foundation and the Kingdom of the Netherlands present a selection of stories, awarded in the World Press Photo Contests from 2000 to 2021, that highlight the resilience and challenges of women, girls, and communities around the world. 

This exhibition promotes women’s rights, gender equality, and justice. Multiple voices, documented by 17 photographers of 13 different nationalities, offer insights into issues, including sexism, gender-based violence, reproductive rights, and access to equal opportunities. The selection of stories explores how women and gender issues have evolved in the 21st century and how photojournalism has developed in the ways of portraying them. The photographs show the power of visual storytelling to create mutual understanding and to influence or change our views.

At the Opening Ceremony, Cultural and Public Diplomacy Counsellor of the Netherlands to Mongolia Ingrid de Beer noted, “We are grateful to present the Resilience Photo Exhibition in cooperation with the Dutch Foundation World Press Photo and Lkham Gallery of Mongolia. The exceptional selection of photographs illustrates women and girls from all over the world—women and girls who face difficult challenges, even violence. Yet, instead of focusing on their challenges, these images highlight their personality, strength, and resilience. The women in Ulaanbaatar that I met today demonstrated their determination and perseverance to create change. I hope you enjoy the Resilience Photo Exhibition and that it serves as an inspiration to further our collective efforts toward a gender-equal society.”

Delgermaa Byambasuren, Honorary Consul of the Netherlands in Mongolia, said, “I'm delighted to welcome the World Press Photo exhibition to Mongolia for the first time. The "Resilience" exhibition features photographs by 17 photographers from 13 countries, highlighting women's rights, gender equality, and the evolution of women's issues in the 21st century. We are deeply grateful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and the World Press Photo Foundation for their commitment to women's rights. We also extend our thanks to Lkham Gallery and our other partners for their meticulous work in making this exhibition a reality.”

Gender equality and justice are fundamental human rights critical in supporting cohesive societies. Yet, women around the world face deeply entrenched inequality and remain underrepresented in political and economic roles. In 2021, women represented just 26.1% of some 35,500 parliament seats, only 22.6% of over 3,400 ministers, and 27% of all managerial positions. Violence against women prevails as a serious global health and protection issue. An estimated one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse in her lifetime. 

The gender imbalance is also evident in photojournalism. Data collected by Women Photograph in 2020 shows that an average of just 20% of lead photographs published by eight of the world’s most widely read newspapers were taken by women. The number of female entrants to the World Press Photo Contest has increased over the past five years from 15% to 20% in 2022. This data underlines the need for us to continue working on reducing gender injustice. We need women's perspectives to contribute to a diverse and balanced representation of the world.

The “Resilience - Stories of Women Inspiring Change” Exhibition will be open to the public until September 18, 2024, at the Lkham Gallery in Ulaanbaatar.

color photographs of a young woman in full length bathing suit floating in aqua-blue water in Zanzibar while learning to swim

A young woman learns to float, in the Indian Ocean, off Nungwi, Zanzibar, on 24 November 2016

Anna Boyiazis

Traditionally, girls in the Zanzibar Archipelago are discouraged from learning how to swim, largely due to the absence of modest swimwear. In northern Zanzibar, the Panje Project teaches local women and girls swimming skills in an effort to reduce high rates of drowning. Full-length swimsuits are provided. In addition to challenging a patriarchal system, the project has created a sustainable cycle by empowering students to teach other

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Vibe-Shifted Democratic Convention in Photos by Gallery Photographer Mark Peterson

 Via New York Magazine

August 20, 2024

color photograph of Nancy Pelosi holding a "Thank you Joe" sign while seated at the 2024 Democratic Convention
Nancy Pelosi, who worked to convince Joe Biden to drop his re-election bid, nevertheless thanks him for his service on Day One. Photo: Mark Peterson/(C) Mark Peterson/Redux Pictures 2024

The first night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention was the scene of a party in transition, looking toward the future while simultaneously providing a final send-off for President Joe Biden as he officially passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris. Attendees in Chicago greeted still-rising stars such as New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Georgia senator Raphael Warnock with the same fervor as they gave party veterans such as Hillary Clinton, the last woman to be the party’s presidential nominee, who rousted Democrats to “keep going.” Scenes of the convention so far from Mark Peterson for New York Magazine. Full post here.

color photograph of Kamala Harris on stage at the 2024 Democratic Conventions, with backdrop graphic of red stars and an American flag

Kamala Harris takes the stage during a surprise day-one appearance. 
Photo: Mark Peterson/(C) Mark Peterson/Redux Pictures 2024

Gallery Photographer Nate Gowdy is covering the ins and outs of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago for Mother Jones

 Via Mother Jones

August 20, 2024

screen shot of African American couple in Cowboy hats at the 2024 Democratic Convention with text overlay  "Inside the DNC, Day One: Photos From Chicago From the barricades to the convention floor and everything in between. Photographs by Nate Gowdy"

Photographer Nate Gowdy is covering the ins and outs of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago for Mother Jones. Here is a taste of what he saw: protests outside and an electrified delegation inside.

black and white photograph of crowd on the floor of the 20243 Democratic Convention

Inside the DNC, Day One: Photos From Chicago
From the barricades to the convention floor and everything in between.
Photographs by Nate Gowdy

Monday, August 19, 2024

Tony Hawk Recreates Bill Eppridge's 'Central Park Mystery Skater' Photo From 1965

 Via Skateboarding

August 19, 2024

"If you can't solve the mystery, become the mystery."

Brian BlakelyAug 19, 2024

Well, this could certainly be classified as a "full circle moment" if you ask me, at least for Mr. Dan James Rodo (and well, of course, Tony Hawk). 

If you were following along earlier this year—around April/May—then you know that The Birdman and Dan sort of forcefully fell down the rabbit hole while attempting to identify the iconic, now legendary "Central Park Mystery Skater" from a 1965 issue of LIFE magazine. 

They went above and beyond and truly put in some pretty impressive work to investigate this mysterious, dapper skateboarder from the mid-60s, but what actually came of it was something none of us probably expected. Take a look:

"If you can’t solve a mystery, become the mystery...?," Tony wrote as the caption on the post. "Thanks to @danocracy & @joshuapbrown for meeting me in NYC to recreate the photo that has provided so much entertainment. And to Adrienne Aurichio for sharing the moment while giving us a glimpse into the magic of Bill Eppridge (the original photographer)."

He tacked on, "Watch Dan’s latest edit to see the process of putting this together." And if you haven't seen it yet, check it below!

As someone who was personally pretty invested in the search, this was so insanely cool to see—for multiple reasons. For one (as if we needed one), it's just another reminder as to how rad Tony is as a person. He's always having fun and the fact that he can do stuff like this is so cool to see.

And secondly, I just love that this entire investigation ultimately turned into Tony, Dan and a random photographer (@joshuapbrown) who simply commented on the post to come together and recreate this timeless moment. 

Hats off once again to Dan for spending countless hours trying to track down this mystery skater; a mysterious man who has now become this legend in skateboarding in his own right. And of course to Tony for all the support and interest. Both their efforts are unbelievably admirable. This has been so fun. 

Plus, the fact that they brought out Bill Eppridge's wife (Bill was the original photographer) tied it all together so perfectly, I'm almost at a loss for words. Watching the video literally gave me chills. 

At any rate, I think we all just found the perfect Halloween costume, right?

While the "mystery skater" still technically remains a mystery, everything that has sprouted since the investigation—and really, since 1965 when the original photo was shot—has been so rad. It brought the skateboarding community (and beyond) together in such a cool, unique way. Just another reason to remind ourselves why skateboarding is simply the coolest thing ever. 

And even though it's a big stretch, I'm going to say it anyways: who's going to fork up some dough and turn this into a proper Netflix/HBO/Amazon—whatever!—documentary? Fingers crossed. Until then, I think we can all agree this is as close to some closure as we'll get. As Tony mentioned, "If you can't solve the mystery, become the mystery."

But the mystery remains...

Sunday, August 11, 2024

George Eastman Museum Acquires David Butow's "Landscape of Destruction" Photograph From 2023 Lahaina Fire


black and white photograph showing the f destruction in Lahaina, Maui on August 24, 2023

David Butow: The landscape of destruction, Lahaina, Maui, seen on August 24, 2023

The George Eastman Museum in Rochester, NY, has recently added a print by David Butow taken while on assignment for TIME magazine documenting the aftermath of the August, 2023 fires in Lahaina, Maui. David Butow is a freelance photojournalist whose projects and assignments have taken him to over two dozen countries including Afghanistan, Burma, Iraq, Peru, Yemen and Zimbabwe. His work in covering politics in Washington, D.C. resulted in the monograph BRINK, published in late 2021 by Punctum Press.

Born in New York and raised in Dallas, he has a degree in Government from the University of Texas at Austin. After college he moved to Los Angeles and worked in newspapers before beginning a freelance career for magazines in the 1990's.

From the mid-90's through the late-2000's he worked as a contract photographer for US News and World Report magazine covering social issues and news events such as post- 9/11 in New York, the Palestinian/Israeli Intifada, the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq and the death of Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. From 2017-2021, he was based in Washington, D.C., doing primarily political assignments at the White House and US Capitol for TIME, CNN, Politico, NBC, the Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, Rolling Stone and other clients. His photographs of events such as the China earthquake in 2008, the funeral of Nelson Mandela, Hong Kong protests of 2019 and various projects in the U.S. have won awards from Pictures of the Year International, Photo District News, American Photography and others.

In early 2022, the new book BRINK was published by Rome-based Punctum Press, 104 photographs over 152 pages, printed in Italy on heavyweight paper with text by Mark McKinnon and Cecilia Emma Sottilotta. BRINK chronicles politics in the United States from the 2016 presidential election through the chaos of the Trump presidency, the turmoil of 2020 and concludes with the insurrection and its aftermath at the U.S, Capitol in January 2021.

Most recently, Butow's photographs from Ukraine, Ulvalde, Texas, and Lahaina, Maui have been published in Politico, Time, and The New York Times. 

The George Eastman Museum is located in Rochester, New York, on the estate of George Eastman, the pioneer of popular photography and motion picture film. Founded in 1947 as an independent nonprofit institution, it is the world’s oldest photography museum and one of the oldest film archives. The museum holds unparalleled collections—encompassing several million objects—in the fields of photography, cinema, and photographic and cinematographic technology, and photographically illustrated books. The institution is also a longtime leader in film preservation and photographic conservation.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

A beautiful pursuit: Monroe Gallery exhibit looks through the lens of noted photographer Tony Vaccaro

 Via The Albuquerque Journal

August 4, 2024

black and white photo of model in patterned Marimekko dress on Park Avenue in front of the former Pan Am building in NY, 1960

By Kathaleen Roberts

Tony Vaccaro photographed a world of beauty from a crucible of pain.

He photographed World War II from a soldier’s eye, documenting its brutality and horror. After carrying his camera across battlefields, he became one of the most sought-after photographers of his day, capturing everyone from Pablo Picasso to Ali MacGraw on film.

Open at Santa Fe’s Monroe Gallery of Photography, “Tony Vaccaro: The Pursuit of Beauty” includes more than 40 photographs dating from 1944 to 1979.

Born in Pennsylvania, Vaccaro spent the first years of his life in the village of Bonefro, Italy, after his family left America under threat from the Mafia. Both of his parents had died by the time he was 8 years old and he was raised by an uncaring aunt and an abusive uncle. His love of photography emerged in Bonefro, where he began taking pictures with a box camera at age 10.

When World War II broke out, he returned to the States, living with his sister in a New York suburb, where he joined his high school camera club. A teacher spotted his talent and guided him through a year of apprenticeship.

Drafted at 21, Vaccaro was determined to continue photographing in combat. He fought on the front lines for 272 days, camera in hand. He entered Germany in 1944. He developed his photographs in combat helmets at night, hanging the negatives from tree branches.

In 1945, he photographed Adolf Hitler’s both sinister and beautiful window at the dictator’s retreat in the Bavarian Alps.

“That massive window was filled with a very thick pane of glass,” said Sidney Monroe, the gallery’s co-owner. “It’s a haunting picture. It’s the ultimate conquest at the end of the war.”

In the years after the war, Vaccaro remained in Germany to photograph the rebuilding of the country for Stars and Stripes magazine. He returned to the U.S. in 1950 and launched a career as a commercial photographer. He worked for Look, Life, Harper’s Bazaar, Town and Country, Newsweek and more.

After the war, he said he had seen enough carnage. He traded beauty for brutality.

In 1960, Vaccaro spent two weeks at Georgia O’Keeffe’s Abiquiú home, photographing her for Look magazine.

“O’Keeffe was pretty notorious for not wanting to be interviewed or photographed,” Monroe said. “So Tony comes out with a writer and she gave them the cold shoulder. O’Keeffe almost wouldn’t talk to him.

“Tony told us at dinner the conversation shifted to bullfighting. O’Keeffe was a fan of a famous Mexican bullfighter that he had photographed. That broke the ice. They bonded and formed a lifelong friendship.”

The photograph captures O’Keeffe’s legendary iconography, the skull between the canales and her rock collection scattered across a shelf.

“She’s in black and wearing her famous belt,” Monroe said. “It incorporates everything we think of when we think of O’Keeffe.”

The show marks the first time the photo has been exhibited.

“Most of the photographs were never published,” Monroe said. “We encouraged him while he was still alive to go to the files.”

black and white photograph of model in an architectural hat resembling the  Guggenheim Museum in front of the Guggenheim Museum in NY, 1960
Tony Vaccaro
The Guggenheim Hat, New York, 1960

Vaccaro’s famous 1960 “Guggenheim Hat” photograph for Look magazine combines architecture with fashion to make art. The model’s hat mirrors the forms of the Guggenheim Museum.

“The Guggenheim had just really opened,” Monroe said. “At the time, it was sort of an instant classic.”

The model in “Anja on Park Avenue” became Vaccaro’s wife. Her heavily-patterned gown mimics the lights on the Pan Am building behind her. The Swedish designer Marimekko was known for its bold patterning. The photo has never been seen before.

In Venice, Italy, Vaccaro photographed Peggy Guggenheim leaving her home in a gondola in 1968. She was starting her museum in Venice.

Tony Vaccaro
Peggy Guggenheim, Venice, Italy, 1968

“She had a big house there that held her art collection,” Monroe said. “She was fabulously eccentric.”

The photo captures an angry Guggenheim hiding something beneath her blue cape.

Her yard featured a large bronze sculpture of a rearing horse.

The horse has a penis and the penis was removable.

A school group was about to enter the yard.

“She removed the penis,” Monroe said. “That is under the cape. He wanted her to show it; that’s why she looks mad. It’s a wonderful marriage of subject and place.”

In 2022, Monroe and his wife and business partner Michelle celebrated Vaccaro’s 100th birthday in New York. The city of New York declared it “Tony Vaccaro Day” and he was feted at his favorite Italian restaurant. He died eight days later, after surviving the Battle of Normandy and two bouts of COVID. He attributed his longevity to “blind luck, red wine and determination.”

color photograph of a model in fancy attire by open cockpit plane saying goodbye

Tony Vaccaro
Safe Trip! 1957

'Tony Vaccaro: The Pursuit of Beauty'

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily; through Sept. 15

WHERE: Monroe Gallery of Photography, 112 Don Gaspar, Santa Fe

MORE INFO:; 505-992-0800

Joe McNally: Photographing the Olympian, Part One

Via Joe McNally

August 2, 2024


black and white screen shot of Joe McNally blog article with Gaile Devers thigh and muscle on her arm with long fingenails

In 1996, I photographed the US Olympic team–in the nude. It was controversial back then. Now, not so much. But I ended up on the Today Show, Good Morning America and all sorts of news outlets, with commentators and pundits breathlessly exclaiming to me about the audacity of it. Some loved it, others were offended. Which was ok by me, ’cause it meant somebody actually looked at the pictures.

At the time, Gail Devers was the fastest woman in the world. She overcame Graves’ disease to become one of the most decorated female athletes of all time. I went to Los Angeles to photograph her and used a studio located in a hangar at Santa Monica Airport.

She made it plain she would not do a full nude, so you get creative. I was after unadorned body parts as well. Genius that I am, I wanted to photograph her legs. They were the engine, right? So I made this picture. Nice enough.

black and white photograph of Gaile Deevers' muscles in her thighs

We were running down on time and starting to pack up. I was happy with the photo. But then I asked, “Is there any other physical attribute you can think of that is responsible for your success as a sprinter?” She replied, “Well, I’m pretty strong.” And did this.

black and white photograph of Gail Devers making a muscle on her arm, with her long fingernails

We grabbed a couple of v-flats, put a black one behind her and filled in the cloudy daylight with a bit of bounced light from another large white board, right there on the tarmac outside the hangar. Shot it in about five minutes. It won first place in the Portrait Division at the World Press Awards that year.

You never know. Always ask the question, otherwise, it can be a long plane ride home.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Special Event: Art Heals - The Jingle Dress Project

Monroe Gallery of Photography is honored to host a special fundraising event to support The Jungle Dress Project documentary. 

Photographer Eugene Tapahe's goal is to take the healing power of the Ojibwe jingle dress to the land, to travel, to dance and capture a series of images to document the spiritual places our ancestors once walked, and to unite and give hope to the world through art, dance and culture to help us heal. This special event will feature an exclusive preview of the Art Heals: The Jingle Dress Project short documentary with an opportunity to contribute towards the continuation of the film.

Fine art prints will be available with proceeds from sales supporting the project.

Friday, August 16, starting promptly at 6:30

RSVP essential by Monday, July 12; please use this link.  Seating is limited.

"Now, the project is bigger than I imagined. The support, the love, and the encouragement from all over the world is inspirational. It motivates Dion, Erin, JoAnni, Sunni and I through our difficulties while we travel on our photo expeditions. It has been beautiful, emotional, empowering and most importantly, healing. Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience the beauty and unity of our spiritual journey through compelling visuals and storytelling behind this historic endeavor" --Eugene Tapahe